Calvalyn Day, MsED, CCFP

Community Education Speaker

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    Calvalyn Day achieved a master’s degree in educational counseling from Indiana University, and has practiced as a school counselor in elementary, middle and high schools in Indiana. She has a unique set of skills which empower her clients to achieve success and life mastery. These skills have led to Calvalyn being a sought-after speaker, trainer and consultant with multimillion-dollar mission driven organizations.

    Calvalyn is a nationally published author and trainer. She has used her unique blend of personal and professional experiences to author several books including, Authentically Engaged Families: A Collaborative Care Framework and the foundation for her work, Drag ‘Em Kicking and Screaming: You 7 Step Action Plan to At-Risk Student Success. She has taught at the graduate level and has presented at local, regional and national professional learning experiences for in service educators and youth care workers.

    Equally effective working one on one as a coach in her private practice or as a trainer with large groups of working professionals. She has trained thousands of educators and parents and worked in direct youth and family care for over 15 years. Calvalyn’s style blends the right amounts of information and inspiration to create transformation for clients. Calvalyn is trained in Trauma-Informed Coaching, Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Collaborative Problem Solving and the Structured Analysis Family Evaluation (SAFE) foster family screening tool. When not working, Calvalyn can be found scrolling through Pinterest with one of her four daughters or knee deep in toy trucks with her four grandsons.


    1. CCFP
    2. MsED