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Alcohol & Drug Abuse Resources in Suwanee, GA

Last Updated: February 28, 2024

Editorial Policy | Research Policy

Substance Abuse Resources in Suwanee, Georgia

According to the Georgia Department of Public Health, the misuse of substances, both legal and illegal, has been a persistent problem affecting the lives of many individuals and families in Suwanee and throughout Georgia. A recent survey found that prescription drug abuse has become the most common substance use disorder in Georgia, even more than cocaine and marijuana. This has led to heightened demand for effective treatment resources in the city of Suwanee. Suwanee offers a number of dedicated resources for substance abuse treatment, including detoxification centers, psychiatric hospitals, outpatient treatment programs, residential programs, and recovery residences (also known as sober living homes). The city and state’s commitment to tackling the issue of substance abuse is reflected in the standardized, high-quality treatment services provided by these facilities.

About Suwanee, Georgia

Located in the heart of Gwinnett County, Suwanee, Georgia, is a city that brims with southern charm and modern innovation. This city, known for its vitality and charm, offers residents and visitors a perfect blend of small-town vibes infused with a contemporary lifestyle. Rooted in a rich history that dates back to its Native American origins and subsequent establishment by the Russell family in the 19th century, Suwanee has grown into a bustling metropolis.

Suwanee is home to a diverse population of around 20,000 residents. This vibrant community is characterized by its welcoming aura, family-friendly environment, prevalent greenspaces, and exciting annual events such as the Suwanee Wine Festival and Suwanee Fest. Its parks and trail system add to the city’s appeal, offering opportunities for outdoor activities.

Despite its allure, Suwanee is not untouched by societal issues, particularly those related to substance abuse. The city, like many other areas in Georgia, has grappled with increasing instances of substance addiction. The primary substances of abuse in Suwanee, similar to national trends, tend to be alcohol, illicit drugs, and misused prescription medications. Local government, health organizations, and community groups work collaboratively to combat these issues, offering resources for prevention, treatment, and recovery.

In response to substance abuse challenges, organizations in Suwanee offer numerous addiction treatment programs, including outpatient counseling, residential treatment centers, and aftercare services. The city’s commitment to fostering a healthy community ensures that individuals struggling with addiction are offered support and guidance toward recovery.

Our Closest Facility

For anyone in Suwanee, GA, seeking help for substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders, our closest facility is the Recovery Village Atlanta Drug and Alcohol Rehab. It’s a solid option due to our comprehensive approach to recovery and our dedicated and skilled teams.

Why Choose The Recovery Village Atlanta

Our facility is designed with a strong focus on patient recovery. We prioritize creating a supportive, safe, and comfortable environment for all our patients. Our approach to treatment is individualized, ensuring all our patients receive the care and support they need to embark on their journey to recovery.

Our facility details are as follows:

  • Name: The Recovery Village Atlanta Drug and Alcohol Rehab
  •  Address: 11725 Pointe Pl, Roswell, GA 30076
  •  Contact Number: (470) 990-9483
  •  Website: recoveryatlanta.com

Overview of Rehab Programs for Treating Substance Abuse Near Suwanee GA

Struggling with substance abuse can be an incredibly challenging experience. It’s a journey that no one should have to embark on alone. Thankfully, there are resources available that provide robust support and professional interventions necessary to overcome such difficulties. One such resource for individuals in Suwanee, Georgia, is our treatment center: The Recovery Village Atlanta Drug and Alcohol Rehab.

Our Suwanee area facility is conveniently located at 11725 Pointe Pl, Roswell, GA 30076, providing comprehensive support to those grappling with substance dependency issues. Our treatment programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual, ensuring the best chance of a successful recovery.

Features of Our Rehab Program

Dedicated to patient-centered care, The Recovery Village Atlanta Drug and Alcohol Rehab offers evidence-based treatment approaches that encompass holistic and multifaceted aspects. Our team of specialists provides round-the-clock support to ensure every step toward recovery is made less daunting.

To contact us, please call our patient services at (470) 990-9483. Our team is always available to provide support, answers to your questions, and assist you through the admission process. Anyone in need of additional information can also visit our website at www.recoveryatlanta.com.

A journey to recovery from substance abuse is possible. Make the first and most critical step by reaching out to us at The Recovery Village Atlanta Drug and Alcohol Rehab. We are committed to providing high-quality care and treatment and helping individuals lead a healthier, substance-free life.

Common Co-Occurring Disorders in Suwanee, GA

Co-occurring disorders, also referred to as dual diagnosis, characterize a condition where a mental health disorder and a substance abuse disorder occur simultaneously. In Suwanee, GA, just like in other parts of the country, co-occurring disorders are a pressing mental health issue. It’s significant to note that these disorders can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or socioeconomic status.

One of the most common co-occurring disorders in Suwanee is the combination of Depression and Alcoholism. Individuals often turn to alcohol to cope with the symptoms of their depression, creating a vicious cycle of addiction and mental illness. Affecting nearly one in four adults, this pairing is considered a public health crisis.

Anxiety disorders frequently co-occur with substance use problems. Many people who suffer from anxiety disorders such as Panic Disorder or Generalized Anxiety Disorder may use drugs or alcohol in an attempt to manage their symptoms. Unfortunately, this often leads to the development of a substance use disorder, exacerbating the initial anxiety disorder.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and substance use disorder also frequently co-occur. Those suffering from PTSD might resort to drugs or alcohol to numb their pain or gain control over their intrusive thoughts, nightmares, and flashbacks. However, such maladaptive coping mechanisms frequently induce a substance use disorder, further complicating their mental health condition.

The existence of these co-occurring disorders emphasizes the critical need for integrated treatment programs that address both mental health and substance use issues. Through a comprehensive and individualized approach, individuals can receive the support they need to manage both conditions and effectively pursue recovery.

Recovery Resources in Suwanee, GA

There are a number of state, local, and government resources available for those looking for recovery resources in Suwanee, Georgia. Additionally, our closest facility, The Recovery Village Atlanta Drug and Alcohol Rehab, provides comprehensive, patient-centered treatment close to home.

  • The Recovery Village Atlanta Drug and Alcohol Rehab – Located at 11725 Pointe Pl, Roswell, GA 30076. You can reach us at (470) 990-9483 or visit us online at https://www.recoveryatlanta.com.
  • Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) – Responsible for managing and delivering public mental health and substance abuse treatment services throughout Georgia. Visit their website for more information.
  • Gwinnett County Community Outreach – Offers a range of alcohol and drug use prevention programs and initiatives. Visit their website for details.
  • Georgia Crisis and Access Line (GCAL) – Available 24/7 to help you or someone you know deal with a crisis involving mental health, alcohol, or drugs. Call them at 1-800-715-4225 or visit their website for immediate access to routine or crisis services.

Substances of Abuse in Suwanee, Georgia

Substance abuse is a pervasive issue that transcends all locations, including the city of Suwanee, Georgia. Several substances notably contribute to this problem, with some being more prominent than others. 

Alcohol: As in most places, alcohol is a widely abused substance in Suwanee. According to the Georgia Department of Public Health, in 2019, alcohol-attributable deaths accounted for 1.5% of total deaths in the state of Georgia source. 

Opioids: The opioid epidemic is another major concern in Georgia, including Suwanee, with prescription drugs, heroin, and fentanyl being prevalent. As reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Georgia recorded a significant increase in drug overdose deaths, with approximately two-thirds involving opioids in 2018source

Methamphetamines: Georgia, Suwanee included, has also seen a surge in the use and abuse of methamphetamines. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation reported a 40% increase in meth-related deaths in the state from 2017 to 2018source

Marijuana: Despite changes in drug laws and societal attitudes, marijuana remains a commonly abused substance. Its use, particularly among younger age groups, is a growing concern in Suwanee.

In Suwanee, as in the rest of the state, wide-ranging resources and efforts are in place to combat substance abuse. This includes law enforcement activities, medical interventions, education, and community support programs. While the fight against substance abuse is ongoing, these measures are crucial in promoting healthier communities and encouraging individuals in need to seek help.

Warning Signs of Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is a serious issue that can affect any community, including our own Suwanee, GA. Recognizing the signs early can help in getting timely help and prevent long-term damage. Here are some common warning signs of substance abuse:

  • Behavioral Changes: Unusual or unexplained changes in behavior, such as mood swings, irritability, and aggression.
  • Physical Changes: You may notice sudden weight changes, unexplained injuries, or neglect in personal hygiene.
  • Social Isolation: A person may withdraw from family activities or start neglecting responsibilities.
  • Financial Issues: Unexpected financial problems often surface with the need to fund a substance abuse habit.

If you or someone you know is displaying these warning signs, it is essential to reach out for professional help immediately. SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) provides free, confidential helpline service 24/7, 365 days a year, for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

You are not alone in this struggle – support and options for recovery are available.

Alcohol Addiction Treatments in Suwanee, GA

Alcohol addiction is a severe and overwhelming disorder that can severely impact an individual’s life. However, there are comprehensive treatment options available tailored to each person’s unique needs. In Suwanee, GA, and surrounding locations, alcohol addiction treatments range from inpatient rehab programs to support groups, therapy, and medication.

Inpatient Rehab Programs

The most intensive form of treatment for alcohol addiction is inpatient rehab programs where patients live at the treatment center. It allows them to focus solely on recovery.

The Recovery Village Atlanta Drug and Alcohol Rehab, one of the leading rehabilitation programs near Suwanee, GA, offers multiple levels of care, including detox, inpatient and outpatient programs, and long-term recovery help. You can reach The Recovery Village at (470) 990-9483. Our center is located at 11725 Pointe Pl, Roswell, GA 30076.

Outpatient Rehab Programs

For individuals who have work or family obligations, outpatient rehab programs allow them to maintain daily responsibilities while receiving treatment. These programs require patients to attend treatment for specific hours, one or more days per week.

Therapy and Counseling

Many alcohol addiction treatments in Suwanee, GA, incorporate various forms of counseling and therapy. The therapies might include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), group counseling, family therapy, and more. Therapies help individuals to identify triggers, develop coping mechanisms, and improve interpersonal relationships.

Support Groups

Support groups provide ongoing assistance for individuals during and after treatment. They provide a sense of community and encouragement, which is crucial for maintaining sobriety. Local support groups can include Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.), SMART Recovery, and other peer support groups.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Some individuals may benefit from medication-assisted treatment (MAT). These medications can help to manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings, and maintain sobriety. Medications such as Antabuse, Naltrexone, and Campral are commonly used in the fight against alcohol addiction.

Choosing the right alcohol addiction treatment can be a life-changing decision. It’s important to look into each type of treatment and discuss all options with a healthcare provider. The road to recovery is possible with the right support and treatment in place.

The Opioid Epidemic in Suwanee, GA – Understanding and Overcoming the Crisis

In recent years, Suwanee, Georgia, like many parts of the United States, has been facing an escalating opioid crisis. This surge has not only affected individual lives but has also had devastating impacts on families, social services, and community wellbeing as a whole.

The extent of the Opioid Problem

Per the Georgia Department of Public Health, the state is seeing significant increases in opioid overdoses, with both prescription medications and street drugs contributing to the problem.

Addiction Treatment Options

Fortunately, there are numerous resources available to residents of Suwanee looking for help in battling opioid addiction.

  • Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) – This form of therapy combines medication with counseling and behavioral therapies. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration provides a directory of approved providers.
  • Outpatient and Inpatient Treatments – These treatments offer a variety of services which comprise psychiatric evaluation, individual, group, and family therapies, and more. Georgia’s Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Disabilities holds an extensive list of approved providers.
  • Support Groups – Groups like Narcotics Anonymous (N.A.) and Families Against Narcotics (FAN) offer support and a community to those struggling with addiction and their families.

Government Resources

Federal, state, and local governments have acknowledged the opioid crisis and have various resources in place to assist those in need. These include the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which offers comprehensive information on the opioid crisis, prevention, recovery, and more. Furthermore, the Georgia Department of Public Health also provides state-specific resources.

It is important to remember that help is available, and recovery is possible. The road to recovery may be challenging, but individuals do not have to walk it alone.

Hope for Lasting Recovery in Suwanee, GA

Realizing that everyone deserves a chance at a sober life is a journey of healing and new beginnings. It may seem difficult right now, but take comfort in knowing that in Suwanee, GA, lasting recovery is within your reach.

We invite you to reach out to begin your journey to lasting recovery today. Call (470) 990-9483 to speak directly with a Recovery Advocate at our facility. Each one is prepared to offer guidance and support tailored to the individual. They’re truly dedicated to helping those battling addiction find their path to recovery.

Visit our nearest Recovery Facility.

Our closest recovery center is conveniently located at 11725 Pointe Pl, Roswell, GA 30076. Here, you can take the first steps toward a positive and lasting change.

For more information about our services, visit our website. No matter where you are on your journey, remember that you are not alone. There’s hope and support available to you.

We at Recovery Atlanta believe in you and your capacity to overcome addiction. The road to lasting recovery may be challenging, but with commitment and assistance from dedicated professionals, you can begin a new chapter of life that is free from addiction.

Today is a great day to start your journey. Remember, hope is just a phone call away.
